Feb 27, 2011

Fuck the Oscars. Inception was the best movie of 2010.

Looking at the betting odds for tonight's Oscar ceremony. While I haven't seen all of the nominated movies, I don't need to. Inception was the best movie of 2010. And the spinning top never falls down...
Here's the odds for Best Picture:

The King’s Speech: 7/4
The Social Network: 7/2
Inception: 7/1
True Grit: 8/1
Black Swan: 9/1
127 Hours: 11/1
Another Year: 14/1
The Way Back: 14/1
Never Let Me Go: 14/1
The Kids Are Alright: 16/1
Toy Story 3: 18/1
Also, I would like Banksy to win for Best Documentary. Why? Because he can't show up to accept.


  1. You know they have gone crazy with the amount of nominations when Toy Story 3 is even included...I mean, seriously?

  2. And by the way KBilly, can you change the commenting settings so I don't have to do those fucking word verifications every time I comment, even when I'm signed in..

  3. I would if I knew how to change such things.

  4. KBilly there's gotta be settings somewhere. Go where you change the colors and stuff. Look for something there that says security/verification settings, etc.
