Mar 11, 2011

Cliff Lee: "some of the Yankee guys are getting older."

To explain why the Yankees had absolutely no shot at getting Cliff Lee this offseason, Cliff Lee says that the Yanks, despite offering more money, were about third (maybe even fourth) on his list.
From Deadspin:
Who finished second to the Phillies in his mind:
"Texas probably finished second to be honest with you. Just as far as the quality of the team and the chance to win a World Series ring, I think they're a better team. That's just my opinion. The Yankees can do anything at any moment to improve and they're not afraid to go do things. That was part of the decision making process too, but I felt like with what the Red Sox had done and it seems like some of the Yankee guys are getting older, but I liked the Rangers."
He's still rich beyond his wildest dreams, as will be his grandchildren.

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