Mar 21, 2011

Target stock boy couldn't convict Barry Bonds for something we all know he did...

OK, we all know that Barry Bonds took steroids, he admittited as much. But he's on trial for whether or not he KNEW he was taking steroids at the time he took them.
His Perjury trial started today. If you've ever had Jury Duty, you know the drill. You fill out a form and if you aren't a NRA member, you get the interview. That's precicely why I joined the NRA.
This dude took a different approach. From
No. 22 identified himself as age 35 and working at Target as an "in-stock team member."
"I'm a Barry Bonds fan and I'm a huge SF Giants fan. It's my life. I don't know if I could judge Mr. Bonds after providing me with so much entertainment. It's an intimate relationship," prospective juror No. 22 wrote on a questionnaire he filled out on Thursday. "I don't think I could find him guilty."
I can't say that I don't admire his team loyalty...

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